Re: open letter garbage

> As one of the people branded a yappy dog perhaps you will forgive me 
> for finding the words less than apposite.  Distinctly tasteless I 
> thought, actually.  Now why don't we let the sleeping yappy dogs lie 
> and move on.  How about some HARMONICA talk.

Because we're tired of the yappy dogs telling people how to post, 
putting their $0.02 in, and then telling everybody else to knock it off, 
move on and stay on topic.
You've had your say, why don't YOU drop it and let others have theirs?

Regarding your comments on your experience with Lee Oskar reedplates, I 
agree with Monseur Fouquet (aka Froggy) that having a harmonica player 
running the show tends to make the company inherently more responsive to 
player needs.


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